vendredi 4 juin 2010



How about we start with intro's?

My name is James, and I've been writing since I was knee high to a grasshopper as my dad would say. I've tried short stories, novels, even scripts, most in SFF genres. I've never submitted anything, beyond a couple of short stories to ezines forever ago (which were published, though the ezine no longer exists).

For the past few weeks, I have discovered the whole indie writer movement, whether that be ebook publishing through Kindle (with such people as J.A Konrath or Scott Nicholson) or webserial/online novel publishing (with such websites as, or ErgoFiction).

So I have decided to experiment. Although I still plan on pursuing the "standard" Big Publishing route with one of my novel projects, I am also going to be launching a couple of other projects over the next few months to try and test the waters of the epublishing world.

My goal? Keep my options open, explore the community of indie writers, try out some projects that would not be possible in through 'standard' publishing, and hopefully make some friends.

This blog is going to be a place for me to record the progress of those various projects, as well as a general place to post links to news stories about the ebook 'revolution', good online stories I discover, etc.

So there we go. My indie writer's manifesto.

Hope to see you along the ride.